Being an associate means that you are a member of an active, creative, very sociable and welcoming organisation. For a modest £20 annual subscription, as well as donating to the maintenance, preservation of the Butte and this Butte website, you if you so wish will also be able to communicate and interact with other members. Associates will receive n initial membership pack which includes amongst various items your own quality membership card. They will also receive by mail various quality newsletters a year along with other email and related updates. These newsletters will bring members bang up to date with whats happening on this very important site.
It is our aim that members get every opportunity to meet each other and swop stories. A good outlet for this aim would be an annual spring or whenever Butte maintenance Working Weekend and via the site we try and publish when Bob will be in the area so that they can meet up for a coffee or a beer. If there are say enough people in the area there is no reason why a meal cannot be for example organised in a local restaurant or hotel near to the Butte with nearby Bapaume being the obvious choice of location. Covid basically stopped in its tracks all attempt for a working weekend over the past few years however we know Bob and Julia will be in the area early May 2023 so already we know that maintenance work will be work carried out on the Butte on 6 and 7 May 2023.
The maintenance of the site is a big job. As a matter of routine, the grass at the top and the bottom car park area is cut on a paid maintenance contract from March to November. The shrubbery etc is different. As above we planned to have a working weekend in April 2020, 2021 and 2022 but as you know the world changed. We will still aim however to reconvene as stated above in early May 2023 and where we can cut back shrubs, tidy the site, paint any handrails and more. Obviously health and safety in such weekends is paramount. All associates will be of course more than welcome to attend and help out if they can spend an hour or so, further details will appear on the website or in the Associates newsletter. There will be a BBQ in Morval on the evening of 7 May to which all helpers are more than welcome to attend.
If you would like to help preserve the Butte de Warlencourt for future generations please join as an associate or even perhaps make a small donation. As above, your entire subscription will go towards essential maintenance as well as helping supporting other events. When you join you will receive a membership pack including including your uniquely numbered quality membership card, a car sticker, copies of last newsletters and copies of three lovely high quality 7 x 5 photos featuring the Butte which would be perfect if you so wish for framing.
The Butte's Instagram account has now attracted nearly 750 followers - check this out if you get a minute. The address is butte_de_warlencourt. We also now have a Twitter account which set up at the beginning of 2022 and now also has over 700 followers. The address for this is @ButteDeWar. There are Twitter and Instagram icons on the bottom of the pages on the website. Famous last words in that click these and you will be directed to the Butte's account!
Can we kindly point out that the Associates of the Butte de Warlencourt is an non profit making group. All monies received will be invested on the Butte, its maintenance and development or its activities i.e website, newsletters etc. If of course you do not wish to join as an associate, how about please considering making a small donation. There is a Donation Button at the bottom of this page and in various other locations in the site. If however, you would find it simpler to join or make a donation by bank transfer, we would be delighted if you did so. Our bank details are: Butte de Warlencourt Association, Bank of Scotland - sort code 80-22-60, Account number - 18641160.
Thank you for reading all the above, we really do hope that you take the two minutes out and join as an Associate. As you will see from the articles on the website we are trying to give the Butte as much love care and attention as it deserves and would certainly welcome your help.